Friday, September 25, 2009

It's a special day! Every day!

I suppose, technically, this photo doesn't have a truly grammatical error in it.  But I'm of the opinion that if you are going to have a day to celebrate something, it should be one day, and not a whole month:

I'm really glad that McDonald's has decided to honor their employees with a day of appreciation.  It would just be nice if we knew when they are doing that. 

"National People Day" (the lamest employee appreciation day name I've ever heard, by the way) would indicate that there is one day to celebrate the hard-working crew at MickeyD's.  September, however, is a month, not a day.  Nowhere in the fine print is there a single day outlined. 

So why isn't it National People Month?  Or why didn't they choose a single day?  And--possibly most importantly--what are they doing to recognize the crew?  Because I wouldn't feel very honored by a strangely ambiguous sign placed on tables that customers won't even see until after I've placed their orders.

I'm not saying; I'm just saying.

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