Thursday, September 10, 2009

Welcome to Disasters in Grammar!

Hello, fellow grammar enthusiasts.  I have started this website because I really enjoy grammar, and I don't think it has to be something that only stodgy old grammarians can understand.  I also believe that grammar can be a lot of fun, and learning how to avoid mistakes doesn't have to be akin to watching paint dry.

My hope is that this website will provide all sorts of funny examples of how not to write and speak.  The aim is not to make anyone feel stupid; rather, the aim is to point out how easy it is to make grammatical mistakes and how easy it is to fix them.

Finally, I want to encourage anyone who reads this blog to send me photos, video, or audio of disasters in grammar they witness.  I'd like to be able to post something almost every day, but I'll need reader help and submissions to do so.  With that in mind, there are a few guidelines for submissions:

1. Any photos or other media you send me must either be your own, or you need to include where you found the disaster (website, photo of a friend, whatever). 

2. Submissions should be of printed or spoken material of a professional nature. In other words, please don't send me something you wrote simply for the purpose of submitting.  I'm looking for hilariously incorrect billboards, advertisements, headlines, publications, speeches, and so on.  I'm not looking for the average fifth-grader's text messages or letters from your great aunt Ida.  If someone paid to make it public, it probably meets this qualification.

3. Let me know where the picture or video was taken and what it is.  The more background information you can provide, the better.

4. Obscene submissions will not be posted.  The penis post is as vulgar as it gets with me, and I questioned posting even that.  If it's suggestive enough that you wouldn't want a middle school student to see it, think again. 

Now, don't you have something you would like to send to me?

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